Monday, April 11, 2011

Mom's last two days in Switzerland

On Sunday, we ventured over to the Rhieinfalls, where Micah and I had visited just a week or two ago. Since the weather was so great, we also took a little boat ride to the little island in the middle of the waterfall. It was really cool!

Afterwards, we wandered around the city of Schaffhausen for a bit. We climbed up the Munot, which was a defensive structure from the 16th century. From up top, there was a pretty neat view of the city.

From Schaffhausen, we proceeded to head over to Bregenz, Austria, which is another place that I took Micah when he was here. However, we took an interesting route - we went by way of Germany! We had a scenic train ride through southern Germany, and a nice little stopover in Friedrichshafen, where we had a surprisingly good view of the Appenzeller Alps, where we had been hiking the day before.

We made it to Austria, and met up with my friend Jesse. He showed us around Bregenz, and then his girlfriend Claudia met up with us for a very Austrian dinner.

Here is the journey that we took!

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Today, we headed out to Basel, where we met up with Kate from Longbridge and her family for lunch. Technically, they live in Liestal, but that was our starting point for the Basel tour. We had a lot of fun meeting up with Kate and her family!

When we made it to Basel, we did a good little tour that covered a lot of the "important" sights. This included the Basler Münster, the Rhein, the town hall, and many other sights!

Here's the route we took, including the stop in Oberdorf BL to meet up with Kate and her family.

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As always, this is only a small portion of the pictures!

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