Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mom and Micah in Switzerland - Part 1

Micah's 1st Day - St. Gallen (March 28)
When Micah first got here on Monday, he was, as expected, somewhat tired. 15 year old often do not sleep at all during 8 hour flights from the East coast to Europe. To keep him from falling asleep, with the goal of aiding his adjustment to European time and to assist him in minimizing the effect jet lag, we stopped by my work quick, and then went for a little walk. Here are some of the pictures!

Micah's 2nd Day - Austria
On Tuesday, we hung out with a friend of mine, Micha, for most of the day. In the afternoon, we headed over to Bregenz, Austria to meet up with a friend of mine who teaches English, Kiley. We saw Lake Constance, had some Austrian food, etc. We also saw the skinniest house in Europe.

Rest of the week - Zoo & Rheinfall
Eva, my roommate, luckily had some free passes to the Zurich Zoo, and coincidentally, going to the zoo was one of the things that Micah actually came up with that he wanted to do. For the first part of the day (while we were still at the zoo), the weather was perfect.

After looking at things in the zoo for a few hours, we headed up to the Rheinfall, which is sort of like the Swiss Niagara Falls. The weather wasn't super great in the afternoon, so we practically had the place to ourselves.

Also, Micah apparently likes to sleep.

On Friday, Micah went to school with my roommate Atilla, but I don't have pictures of that. During this time, I went to the airport to pick up mom.

Mom's first day - Appenzell (April 1)
Mom managed to sleep on the plane, so when she arrived, she was ready to go. Micah was still at school, so I got her set up at her bed & breakfast. After getting all of that squared away, we met up with Micah and then headed off to Appenzell, a rather traditional and stereotypical Swiss town. It's the capital of the Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden. There is also Appenzell Ausserrhoden - they got in some fight a few hundred years ago, and haven't gotten over it yet.

On the way to Appenzell, we got a good view of the Säntis, the tallest mountain in the area. From Appenzell, the view was blocked by a hill, but we could see another mountain instead.

Mom's second day - Luzern (April 2)
Wasting no time, we headed off to Luzern on mom's second day. It's a pretty neat place. We spent a while walking through the old town, and looked at the old city wall.

After touring the city, we took Atilla's suggestion and headed for a mountain. There are two main choices for mountains to go visit in Luzern, the Rigi and the Pilatus. After consulting Atilla and the internet, we opted for Pilatus. We had to take a bus ride, and then two gondola rides, but we eventually made it to the top! From up top, you can see the Lake of Lucerne, the surrounding towns, and more mountains.

Tomorrow (Sunday) we're planning on going to Lugano. It should be pretty interesting, as it's down south in the Italian-speaking region. It's a lot of fun to travel around, I don't really to a lot of touristy things around here.

I also have a lot more pictures of mountains, Micah sleeping, etc., so next time you see me, have me show you the pictures!

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