Saturday, April 17, 2010

Birthday Party

Yesterday, my roommate Eva and I had a double-birthday party. Eva's birthday is today (Saturday), and last week when she heard that my birthday was this week and she told me that she was having a party, we decided to have a double-birthday party.

We were originally considering going up to the roof for the party, because there are some tables and small grills up there, but due to the weather, we decided against it. I cooked up some brats and hamburgers (Eva made the "American Hamburgers" into a huge selling point for the party), and after everyone had gotten something to eat, we headed off to the bowling alley. I broke 100 in both of my games, which I don't think is that bad, considering the fact that I haven't been bowling in years. I also got a chance to try out some of my Swiss German, which everyone seemed to like. The night ended pretty late, with one of my friends and one of Eva's friends in a very passionate discussion about world politics...

All in all, I think everyone had a pretty good time! I don't have any pictures yet (I'll have to get some from Eva), but I'll see what I can do.

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